Monday, August 30, 2010
Kanye West- Runaway Love ft. Justin Bieber
I don't even know where to begin, the track sounds nice minus Ellen's little sister Justine Bieber. *Sigh* what some people won't do for a little bit of publicity...
Kanye West,
Come Back Amy Winehouse
While on YouTube looking at the video of Lauryn Hill from Rock the Bells 2010, I stumbled across a video of Amy Winehouse singing "That Thing". Seeing this video made me realize how much Amy Winehouse and her powerhouse voice is missed. Some other British acts come close, like Adele or Joss Stone, but none compare to Amy. So Amy I say this: stop with the drugs, alcohol, getting boob jobs and just get that amazing voice back in the studio PLEASE. I am craving a new Amy record, maybe the same way you're craving a drink at 9 in the morning. (#justsaying)
Rihanna's 5-head
Rihanna tweeted the other day about her massive forehead getting burned by a curling iron.
"New curling iron BURN......damn 5head always in the way", she tweeted.Now here's some pics of Rihanna's new hairstyle, let's pray it was just for that night.
It looks as if Rihanna shaved the hair from Ronald McDonald's toes and made a weave (that is parched by the way) from it, That being said Rihanna is still a bad bish, badly dressed 5 head and all.
R. Kelly New Video
R. Kelly may have an effed up personal life but, you cannot deny this man knows how to make music. Check out the video "When A Woman Loves A Man" from his album "Love Letter" coming out later this year.
New Music
Deep Fried Beer
This year at the State Fair of Texas it seems like alcohol is on the brain. Two items on the menu that have really stuck out are, the deep fried beer and the deep fried frozen Margarita. Texas I will be seeing you pretty soon! Other menu items are deep fried lemonade and deep fried s'more pop tart. Texas you are now my favorite state.
The Emmys 2010 Opening Number
Last night's Emmy Awards boasted a big opening number starring Jimmy Fallon, Tina Fey, Jon Hamm and the cast of Glee. I love the fact that Kate Gosselin was able to make fun of her horrid dancing on DWTS.
Dancing With the Stars,
Song of the Day
Classic song by the best rock band ever, Queen and David Bowie. Enjoy
Song of the Day
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Happy Birthday MJ
Today would've been Michael Jackson's 52nd birthday, so in honor of The True King (*side eye* to Elvis), I posted my favorite MJ song ever! "Rock With You" is a video that has more glitter than Prince's manicure, its like if me, Prince and Little Richard had a baby (just work with me). So Happy Birthday MJ, I hope you're teaching God what you taught me. The importance of a MEAN wig game.
Below is my 2nd favorite MJ song " You Are Not Alone". Notice MJ had the orignial Rihanna cut in this video.
Is Fantasia Pregnant?
The National Enquirer is reporting that Fantasia Barrino is three months pregnant for The Tmobile Guy Antwaun Cook. A "family friend" tells the Enquirer, “She’s about three months along, and it’s definitely Antwaun’s baby. Right now she can’t show how happy she is in public – but she’s absolutely thrilled. Fantasia got what she wanted. She feels Antwaun will have to marry her now.”
*Sigh* if this is true (which I hope it isn't) then I am completely done with this woman. That would mean she knew she was pregnant when she decided to "overdose". All I'm going to say T-Mobile fire this guy before he causes you to lose customers with this mess? (I don't really mean that last part, because no one is checking for Antwaun)
*Sigh* if this is true (which I hope it isn't) then I am completely done with this woman. That would mean she knew she was pregnant when she decided to "overdose". All I'm going to say T-Mobile fire this guy before he causes you to lose customers with this mess? (I don't really mean that last part, because no one is checking for Antwaun)
Hooked On Phonics
Carmelo Offers 5K to Slap Kat Stacks
*Sophia from The Golden Girls voice* Picture It, my bedroom Sunday 4:00 am. I wake up check my twitter really quickly, and see twitter abuzz with tweets about Kat Stacks. I thought she finally took my advice and offed herself but no, it was about some tweets between her, Carmelo Anthony and LaLa.
Apparently the attention whore wrote something insinuating Carmelo has her groupie "friends" in his hotel room. Carmelo the tweeted that he has $5,000 for whoever slaps Bad Wig Stacks and records it. His wife LaLa put her in her place with one simple and sweet tweet. Rat has since removed the tweets and its either Carmelo's account was suspended or he deleted his twitter. Melo I would slap that thing for $200 and one of your braids from back in the day.
Apparently the attention whore wrote something insinuating Carmelo has her groupie "friends" in his hotel room. Carmelo the tweeted that he has $5,000 for whoever slaps Bad Wig Stacks and records it. His wife LaLa put her in her place with one simple and sweet tweet. Rat has since removed the tweets and its either Carmelo's account was suspended or he deleted his twitter. Melo I would slap that thing for $200 and one of your braids from back in the day.
Hooked On Phonics,
Prince and Paris Jackson Attend School
Prince Michael, 13, and Paris Jackson, 11, started school at the prestigious The Buckley School this past Wednesday. The school costs around $25,000-$29,000 yearly and has an alumni of Paris Hilton and others. The children were previously home schooled, but are now attending regular school wanting more of a social experience. Prince Michael III (aka "That's Ignorant Blanket) will still be home schooled, seeing as how he is not "ready to venture out."
Michael Jackson
Song of the Day
One of my favorite songs by my favorite groups ever. Enjoy!
Song of the Day
Friday, August 27, 2010
And I Just Praised Her Yesterday
Serena Williams was spotted at Kelly Rowland's performance in NYC last night and her hair looks a mess! Serena, didn't I give you props yesterday? So why ruin it and show out with that ashy hair. Get this girl some dax, pomade and a hot oil treatment STAT!
Serena Williams,
UPDATED: Glitter's Rant
Ok so I wasn't going to comment on this cunt but, I could not hold it in anymore. Kat the dumb ass Stacks, why is she relevant? Oh yeah because these dumb ass "rappers" keeping fucking her. I mean why? You might as well sleep with that German pop star who intentionally gave men the HIV virus. Kat is not even remotely cute, her nose is huge, her wig looks like it was made in Crackhead Town and her voice is annoying as fuck.
Where the hell is Superhead when you need her? At least SuperSucker dealt with high powered men and actually got stuff out of it. And I do not for one second believe that was Soulja Boy's coke. Do you not see the nose on this trick? She just inhaled, wherever the hell she is, and her nostrils sucked up one of my false eyelashes!
I don't condone suicide but, I am ready to hand this girl a gun, a rope, a razor and some pills and tell her to choose one. Anywho this will be the last time she is spoken about, unless she gets slapped up again.
UPDATE: Someone told me to check out what they wrote about Kat Stacks Click Here. #ICant
Chris Brown Gets Praised
Sexy R&B singer Chris Brown received good praises during his progress update hearing yesterday. Judge Patricia Schnegg said he's doing very well with his community service, domestic violence classes and probation. It was reported after he left the court, Chris came to my house, got on bended knee and proposed to me. A girl can dream, can't she?
Chris Brown,
Future Husband
Lady Gaga Gets Figure At Madame Tussauds
Lady Gaga can never do anything small, the 24 year old singer is going to have her wax figure unveiled at Madame Tussauds. What's so special about that? Well, the singer will be the first person ever to have 10 wax figures unveiled at the same time at Madame Tussauds around the world. It will cost $1.5 million to create the statues and all the looks. Yes looks.
I have a feeling this will be one of the looks.
This one definitely!
I hope this one, just because I can picture the hair being lit on fire and... #dontjudgeme!
Song of the Day
Len "Steal My Sunshine"
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Blue Power Ranger Is Gay
So for some odd reason lately I have been having the weirdest obsession with The Power Rangers. I watch it at 12pm every Saturday, then I found out the yellow ranger, Thuy Trang, died 9 years ago and now David Yost aka Billy says he is gay. Now color me stupid, I am completely blindsided by this seeing as how I thought Rita and Billy were getting it on (in costume) off the set. Yost says he was continually harassed by people on set and just one day walked off.
Glitter's Rant
*Sigh* Two rants in one week, Buddha take the wheel. Shaq I swear your lazy eye has more common sense than you. So, rumor is Shaq proposed to Flava Flav's ass wiper Hoopz. SERIOUSLY? Hoopz is a known cum guzzling groupie, she's effed everyone including the crackhead who sniffs me in front of the store. But, you know what, Shaq is an idiot who cheated on the beautiful woman, Shaunie. I hope these two lovely people have a nice beautiful 2months long life together. >_>
Bristol Palin On Dancing With the Stars
Hot mama Sarah Palin's daughter, the less hot Bristol, is signed on to do DWTS SEASON 11. Rumor has it the 19 year old mother will be joining the likes of Michael Bolton and David Hasselhoff. ABC has neither confirmed nor denied Bristol's involvement, stating the official lineup will be announced next Monday. If Bristol Palin's dancing is anything like her acting on Secret Life of An American Teenager then she won't be on for long. Thankfully.
DancingWithTheStars Palins
Life Is Good!
Beyonce Knowles and her hubby Jay have been spottted vacationing on a yacht in the French Riviera for $377,000 a week. This is after spending the summer in Portofino, Italy. Queen Bey deserves it after all her hard word touring for the past two years, now Bey make some chiurrens.
I see you Bey!
QueenBey LifeIsGood
Serena Williams was at the Hamptons Magazine cover party last night and all I can say is WOW! Work it Serena, you looked amazing.
Kimora Leaves BabyPhat
Kimora Lee Hounsou has announced her decision to step down after fourteen years from the clothing brand BabyPhat. Mrs. Hounsou says she wants to focus on her other endeavors hence her leaving BP. Other sources say the company which BP is under, Kellwood, fired Kimora because she was a financial liability. Sources say she would take fees for her and her adorable daughters for appearing in ads. Also airbrushing her was getting to be too much seeing as how Kimora is a size 10. *Ahem* mini rant: SO WHAT, if Kimora took fees she was the one who built the brand and earned millions for that company. Baby Phat will sink without Kimora, yes i said it even though baby phat been sank. Also, size 10 was mentioning her size really necessary? Come on!
Look how big Kenzo has gotten! HOW CUTE!
MyIdol KimoraHounsou Fabulosity
Something Ladies Can Relate To
So its reported that Naya Rivera, of Glee fame, vandalized her rumored bf and castmate Mark Salling’s car. Apparently jealousy played a part in Rivera's vandalism. My new best friend Naya keyed Mark's Lexus, threw dog food at it and also eggs. Mark has since denied Naya had any part in the destruction of his car.
More over at RadarOnline
AngryWomen BestFriend
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Glitter's Rant
Ok, so for those that follow me on Twitter knows that I am infamous for my rants!
*Ahem* clears throat. Fantasia Barrino! WTF is going on in that jelly bean shaped head of yours? I'm sorry, I feel NO SYMPATHY for the homewrecker her. It was no secret that The Tmobile Guy was married, it was in all the gossip blogs for a year dammit! And then for you to try and OD on asprin -_- WTF were you trying to prevent a heart attack. Come on I smell a publicity stunt for us to feel sympathy for your soup cooler lips you and buy your album. Not even a week after you "overdosed" you were filming for your reality show, have the nerve to have a Behind the Phonics Music and be on Good Morning America. You may have others fooled but NOT I, not I Ms Barrino. You have lost tons of respect from me. Free Yourself is still my song though.
Weekly Gaga
In honor of the MTV VMAs I present Gaga's "Paparazzi" performance. Enjoy.
P.S. idk if the sound is me or I just dont know O_o
LadyGaga VMAs Performances
Bobby V on 106 and park
So, I couldn't find the pic of the outfit Bobby V had on, on 106&park last night. It was something similar to this...
just with knee high safari boots... -_-
Gay ForTheLadies Sashay
Shoutouts to my cousin @Tini00www and @StarStruckslim for this club anthem of 2010! #DOA
The Situation on Dancing With the Stars?
So, *sighs* it seems official Mike " The Situation" Sorrention will be on the eleventh season of DWTS. Since I don't want to say anything mean, I'll just say: At least he'll get free spray tans? Don Knotts The Situation is said to be joining THE HOFF, Micheal Bolton and Audrina Patridge.
And if this pic of The Sitthefuckdownuation didn't make you chuckle, check out this pic I found when I typed in The Situation.
$100,000,000 RICHER!!!
ADOPT ME ELIN!!! So Tiger Woods' ex wife Elin Nordegren spoke to people magazine how she beat him with a golf club until money fell out, the break up of her marriage affected her. This is Elin's first time speaking on the subject if her ex husband's indisrections, and it will also be her last. I just want to say thank you Elin, I will now sleep with and get knocked up marry a pro athlete. *Gets on knees and bows to CPU screen*
More over at People

Its Heven! This post is dear to me because I once had the pleasure of meeting Heven while hanging out with friends in Times Square. Not only is she beautiful, talented and fashionable, she's also a sweetheart. Enjoy her song GBF (Gay Best Friend)!
RIP Aaliyah
Today makes 9 years that the world lost a beautiful and talented woman Aaliyah Dana Haughton. RIP to babygirl the world misses you, you left a void that cannot be filled.
And so I leave you with my favorite Aaliyah song of all time. Enjoy =)
P.S. Share your thoughts on how Aaliyah has affected you
Aaliyah RIP In Memory Of
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